10 ways to be a better version of yourself-

1 Don’t delay things-

The first step of doing anything is taking action. Many of you must be always waiting for the right time but we all know that it’s just an excuse for you to procrastinate things. Stop thinking and take the action to fulfill and accomplish your dreams on time.

2 Be compassionate about consistency-

Being consistent not only help you to be the better version of yourself, it also do things constantly and on time. If you are not consistent toward your studies work or your dreams you might never achieve them.

3 Learn new things-

Life is not settled after getting a well-paid job and being married, remember time does not stop for anyone and it keep changing. The world keeps changing even if you are stuck in your life or not learning things, it will not stop. Learn various things to gain more knowledge and to open a variety of paths of success in your life.

4 Reduce your screen time-

According to a recent study, on average people spend more than 3 hours on social media just scrolling, now day’s smartphone is an addiction that no one can resist. Take small steps try to watch videos which gives you knowledge. This will be the first step of you toward reducing the screen time.

5 Celebrate small victories-

Do not wait for the appropriate time or the biggest victory of your life to celebrate. Celebration of small victories will make you realize that how far you have come, it will give you ultimate motivation to your goal.

6 Take care of your mental and physical health-

You can work effectively when you are physically and mentally healthy. Exercise daily to stay fit. Meditate to keep yourself calm. Keep a journal and write about your life goals in it. Maintaining a journal will also help you to process and reorganize your thoughts. Eat healthy and get enough sleep.

7 Communicate with others-

Build connections with people, try to maintain a healthy relationship with your workers or your boss. Initiate conversation, don’t feel shy about giving your opinions or thoughts on the topic of conversation. Before becoming a good speaker be a good listener and let people express them.

8 Be positive-

Seeing the world with a positive attitude. Complaining about small things or things that you cannot change will make you look dull and negative in front of others. Find happiness in small things.

9 Be humble-

Express gratitude, don’t let your ego stand in your way. Being humble or polite will cost you nothing. Accept help from others.    

10 Take risks-

Imagine you are on your deathbed and you are regretting that you did not take enough risks in life. Taking risks will allow you to fly higher but do not forget to calculate the risk before accepting do not fear failure as there is no single person on earth who has not seen failure in their life.