
Acidity is a very common disease where a person’s stomach acid backs up in the food pipe. Having acid reflux is not the deadliest disease, but if you do not treat it on time, it can cause heartburn and pain in your stomach. If you experience those symptoms frequently, like twice in a week, then you may be suffering from acid reflux disease, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Now the question remains: what causes acidity? What are the symptoms of acidity and what is its cure?


The most common symptoms of acidity are heartburn, which is a feeling of discomfort or pain in your upper stomach or chest area – or, in more severe cases, up to your throat – or sometimes a sour or bitter tasting acid backing up to your mouth. Having a bleeding stomach, experiencing a sensation of food being stuck in your throat, experiencing a sudden increase in weight for no apparent reason, and having a sour burp. These were the symptoms of acidity.


There are a number of causes of acidity. Eating large meals or lying down after eating a meal can cause food to stay stuck in your digestive system. The result may make your stomach feel nauseated or as if your stomach is stuck in your throat. There is also a stomach condition called a hiatal hernia that causes this problem. This occurs when your stomach rises above your diaphragm, a muscle that separates your stomach from your chest. Acid from your stomach will move up to your chest and result in symptoms of acidity. Post stomach injury can also be a cause for acidity. The other causes of suffering from acidity are being overweight, consuming food just before your bedtime, eating spicy and junk food, excessive drinking of beverages like soda, alcohol, coffee, or tea. Smoking, not exercising on a daily basis, Not having proper meals, or not adding vegetables in your meal could be a reason of your acidity.


The Cure of Acidity- Lifestyle Changes Like , Eating smaller meals, walking after having a meal Quitting smoking , Having your meal at least 3-4 hours before sleeping , diet changes, Exercising Regularly can prevent or cure acidity without medication in its earlier stage but if your symptoms are getting progressively worse, try different food like drinking cold milk, as milk is rich in calcium and it prevents acid build up in stomach, Lukewarm water on empty stomach in the morning , it boost digestion and helps reliving acidity and its symptoms, you can add one tablespoon of fennel (saunf)  powder in the glass of warm water for better results, adding banana, papaya , ajwain , cucumber and yogurt in your diet as all of these are anti-acidic agents or visiting a nutritionist for full diet plan may the problem of your acidity. You can also take medicines for getting relief from acidity, but don not take medicines without knowing their side effect or without consulting by your doctor.