Back Pain

Back Pain is becoming one of the most common medical problems now days. Back pain can affect anyone, but most people suffering from it are young adults. It is often the result of injuries from past accidents or chronic medical conditions like a muscle injury or herniated disc. Back Pain is often considered not to be a serious condition since most of us will experience it at some point in our lives. But frequent back pains or feeling uneasy while sitting or lying can be a sign of a serious problem. Frequent lower and upper back pain could be linked to a slip disc, disorders of the aorta, spine inflammation and ligaments around spines and discs.

Causes of Back Pain-

Pulled muscle or strain can be one of the main causes of back pain which may be a result of lifting weights or twisting incorrectly. It could affect the movement of your muscles and ligaments, and it may be painful for a short period of time. Poor posture could also be a cause of back pain. Adopting a crook sitting position while working on a laptop or studying may result in lower or upper back pain. As the most affected people by back pain are young adults, most of them are working a 9-5 job in which they spent their time sitting on a chair, and developing the habit of sitting in poor posture may result in back pain. Other causes of back pain are infections in the spine, post-illness or accident injury, no physical activity or exercise and sleep disorders.

Prevention and Cure of Back Pain-

The treatment of back pain usually revolves around home remedies, exercise and rest. The best way to cure back pain is maintaining a good body posture while sitting, lying down or walking many people suffer from back pain only because of their poor posture. While working on your regular 9-5 job or studying for hours on at your desk to do some stretching or take a short walk to keep your body moving. Losing weight can be also helpful in the cure of back pain. Being physically active, eating and sleeping properly will also help you to cure your back pain. Applying a hot pack or ice pack to the body part where you are feeling pain. If these home remedies do not help you to cure your back pain then you must see a physiotherapist and get massage on regular basis to cure it. In the case that these methods do not work, you should see a physician to diagnose your back pain after performing tests such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and bone scans.