Benefits of meditation

Meditation helps people to rewire their mind, training our mind to focus and redirecting our thoughts. The benefits of meditation are given below-

1 Stress reduction-

Meditation can help in reducing your stress, as a human we all take stress and can feel tension and anxiety while doing some work we have never done before, managing and reducing stress can be the major reason for the people who are meditating. Meditations not only reduce our stress but it also help us to get better sleep and find the peace of mind. Many researches have also found out that meditation can reduce a person stress.

2 Increase your patience and attention span-

This is the era of social media, which has many pros and cons, reduced attention span is one of the cons of using too much social media. The 30second video content is very popular now days, most of our youth especially Gen- Z, try to use as much as social media to get the release of dopamine. Due to watching too much short and reels video, people find it difficult to be attentive for long period of time. Many research have found out that most of people cannot even watch a movie without getting distracted or students cannot study for more than 30 minutes, people get distracted easily.  Meditation can increase our attention span as while meditating we do not think about anything particular.

3 Reduce the risk of age related memory loss and other mental issues-

Many reports have claimed that the people who meditate have the lower risk of facing mental issues such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and many more. Meditation can also help reducing the risk of age related memory loss. Meditation can help in improving your attention, improved attention with clarity of thinking  can help your mind keep young and healthy.

4 Can help fight addiction-

A person who meditate have a clear thinking, as meditation will help us to think freely, when a person who is addicted to things such as alcohol or smoking they can lose their mind and might not be able to think properly as a healthy person. Rehabilitation centers also advice the people who are addicted to drugs, alcohol or smoking to meditate daily at least for 10 minutes a day.

5 Reducing negative emotions-

There is a saying that we become what we think about by Earl Nightingale,  having negative thoughts as some point of our lives is completely normal but always thinking about negative thought can be something that we should be worried about, meditation can help us to replace our negative emotions with positive emotions.