Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure is the pressure of blood pushing against the wall of the arteries, arteries carry blood from your heart to the other parts of your body. Your blood pressure may normally rise or fall throughout the day. But frequent fluctuations in your blood pressure may be a symptom of High blood pressure(Hypertension) or Low blood pressure (Hypotension) . The normal blood pressure of your body is 120/80 mmHg. If your blood pressure rises from this that means you are suffering from hypertension and if it falls than you are suffering from hypotension.

Symptoms of High blood pressure (Hypertension) and Low blood pressure( Low blood pressure)-

Although high blood pressure and low blood pressure are two different medical conditions but they have same symptoms on the person body who is suffering from it. The symptoms of high blood pressure and low blood pressure are not specific and one might not know about it until they get there blood pressure checked but there are few alarming signs of it, if one notice any signs from these then they must see a doctor and get their blood pressure checked. The alarming signs are Frequent headaches, Dizziness, Fainting or passing out, Having difficulty in breathing like running out of breath after short run or taking stairs, feeling weak or tired, sudden outburst of anger(especially in Hypertension), Stomach pain and difficulty in concentration on study or work.

Causes of High Blood Pressure-

The main cause of High blood pressure is intake of too much salt in your body. The other causes of high blood pressure are being overweight, not eating vegetables, lack of physical exercise, smoking and consumption of alcohol, taking too much caffeine ,not having a proper sleep schedule like having too much sleep or not sleeping enough, taking too much stress, age is also a risk factor for hypertension and a family member who is suffering from high blood pressure can be a cause of high blood pressure.

 Prevention and Treatment for High Blood Pressure-

Lifestyle changes can play a big role in prevention or treatment of High blood pressure. Eating a meal that it contains less salt can be very helpful as excessive intake of salt is the main cause of high blood pressure. Eating a healthy diet that includes a lot of fibre, eating more vegetables, less consumption of cigarette and alcohol, Doing exercise on daily basis, less intake of caffeine and meditation all these can help you to prevent or cure high blood pressure.

Causes of Low Blood pressure-

Too high or low body temperature can be a cause of low blood pressure. Having a heart disease or post illness, low intake of salt and caffeine in your body, dehydration, nutrition deficiency in your body, being stressed most of the time, blood infection and lack of physical activities and lack of nutrition in your diet.

Prevention and Treatment  for Low Blood pressure-  

Drinking efficient water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated, avoiding alcohol and smoking, having a diet full of nutrition, Eating food which contains salt, drinking coffee or tomato soup and doing physical exercises.