How to become a part of the editorial team

1 Publisher-

Publishers are the owner of the newspaper company and they basically work as a CEO. Their duty is to maintain the newspaper and running the newspaper with the help of their employees and board of directors. They also interview the candidates who want higher post in the company such as editor- in chief or prime time journalist. Basically a publisher is responsible for the success of a newspaper. There are no set education requirements or requirements for becoming a publisher, but you must have extensive knowledge of the process of publishing newspapers.

2 Editor-in-chief-

To become an editor-in-chief you must have a bachelor degree related to the field of journalism, after getting graduated you can simply apply for a job as an editor but remember that you would not be able to hold the post of editor-in chief overnight, after gaining experience you can apply for the post of editor in company in which you are working you can quit and look for other vacancy in other company if your company does not have a vacant post or is not giving you opportunity even if you have skills and experience. Editor work is to edit all the work that has been done by writers, and give a final cut to the writing.

3 Managing editors-

The primary function of a managing editor is to assist the editor-in-chief. In addition, they help the section editors and decide the section layout and also help in deciding the newspaper layout. They supervise employees and set deadlines for work.

4 Copy editor-

The copy editor work is to adjust the content that has been written and adjust the photos in the layout. They need to check that the information that has been written is clear. Genuine and informative.

5 News reporters-

The duty of a news reporter is writing the news and researching that the news they are writing is based on facts and is truth and if not they don’t need to add the information or can use question mark, they need to follow the news tips that has been given to them. You can also become a reporter if you want to become a journalist. A reporter’s job is to report the local news to the people.

6 Columnist-

columnists are writers who can write about any topic they are interested in such as sports, politics, entertainment or public issues. Columnist basically is those people who write their opinion for newspapers.