The issues faced by minority women in India

1 Lack of representation-

Lack of representation is one of the biggest concern that is faced by the minority women all over the India, The minorities such as OBC, SC used to have the feeling of being neglected and unheard and we can see the weakness of these women that whenever there is a rape or sexual assault case in which there is a fight of minorities from upper class, in more than 90% cases the upper caste have won, sometimes court have dismissed the case by saying “ The upper caste cannot touch a women of lower caste or in minorities”.

2 Violence-

Violence against women is not an infamous issue in the Indian society, but the violence and crimes against minority women are much higher compared to others, as many criminals know that due to lack of money and connections the women cannot file a complaint or F.I.R against them. Also the cases of domestic violence and child marriages are high in minority women, as they fear men and are not independent enough to take care of them nor they have any kind of education qualifications

3 No education-

The another big issue for minority women is no education qualifications and the worse part of this is that most of the rural area women do not know how to read or write, The discrimination that they face in the society is horrible, if a women is independent and can take her own life decision then the Indian society will consider a women as a vamp not as an inspiration for many other girls out there. 

4 Problem of security-

The problem of security is not limited to physical most of the minority women have to go through mental insecurity also. Due to lack of education and not being financially stable many women choose to work for wealthier families as a home cook or being a cleaner but most of the people discriminate and refuse to take them as a cook as they do not want to eat the food made by them, also the chances of being verbally abused or being insulted by the employer are also high. 

5 Problem of identity-

The another problem of an minority women is the problem of identity unlike the majority women who can make their own name if the opportunity is given, minority women cannot because the opportunity is never given to them, mostly their identity limited by their Father or Husband name.