The thirty-day challenge

1 Exercise-

We all know that exercising on a daily basis is healthy for our body and brain but still we do not exercise because of some excuses such as being late or being lazy, if you do not have much time or do not want to exercise daily then you should walk on a daily basis to stay healthy, you can exercise for forty minutes on three days out of seven and the rest of the days you can walk.

2 Eat healthy-

Eating not only effect your body health but it also affect your behavior and sleep, you should not eat after eight pm because our stomach at least take three to four hour to digest and if you will eat just before sleeping than you will not be able to sleep well, also eating spicy food and junk food on daily basis will weaken your digestive system. Ensure you consume more food and veggies to stay healthy.

3 Be Confident-

Low self-esteem is something that most of the people suffer now days, people are insecure about their looks, their body type, or how they are different from others, to boost your confidence you must try the mirror practicing in which you should practice talking in front if the mirror at least thirty minutes. It will help you to say things confidently and make eye contact with people

4 Be positive-

Negative people are more dangerous than the negative situation which is true if you always think and say negative things which lead to a negative personality. People do not like negative people, to become positive you always should focus on the solution of the problem rather than being negative and running away from it.

5 Overcome your fears-

Fears are something that will always stop you from being the best version of yourself such as not trying new things in the fear of failure and not learning new things at old age such as thirty five thinking what will people think about you or say about you, remember learning cannot be stopped in life and the day you stop learning you will stop progressing in your life. Overcome your fears to be a better version of yourself.

6 Quit smoking and drinking-

There is a saying that if you want the youth to become incapable them let them get addicted to smoking and drinking. At first smoking and drinking can be a way for you to escape and enjoy but the chemicals present in these can lead to several addiction and diseases such as blood cancer or failure of lungs.